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Ukraine war map today, as of Apr. 14

Ukraine war map today, as of Apr. 14

Russian forces have continued to secure areas east of the main rail line in Bakhmut. They also have advanced in the north as well as a minor advance in the south.

North of Soledar Russian troops are positioned on the flanks of Bakhmut have restarted the offensive around Vasyukivka-Sakko I Vantsetti.

A Russian mine exploded in the hall of the 4th power unit at the Zaporizhzia Nuclear Power plant, currently occupied by Russia, reports Energoatom.

General Updates:

The EU council approved the allocation of 1 billion euros for the provision of ammunition to Ukraine until May 31. Together with the previous tranches, the total of EU adopted contribution for Ukraine under the EPF is now 4.6 billion euros.

Norway declared 15 Russian diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Oslo as persons non grata. They turned out to be undercover intelligence officers.

Germany has approved the transfer of Mig-29's to Ukraine. Sales contracts for armaments from Germany generally stipulate that the federal government must agree to a possible later transfer.

Swiss banks have begun to warn Russian clients about closing their accounts if they pay taxes to the Russian budget. Switzerland has faced pressure from the United States and G7 countries due to the small amount of frozen Russian assets.

Pic Source: War_mapper on Twitter

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